Salento - Province of Lecce

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Baia Verde

Baia Verde is one of Gallipoli's two seasheres. It's easy to reach from downtown (roughly 3 km fa away from the centre), conncted to the city trough the seafront lungomare Galileo Galilei. It rises up on the famous sandy shores characterizing the coast, with a wonderful crystal clear sea. There are many private beach clubs, which are well equipped with all the facilities, as well as free beaches. In summer teh seashore attracts a lot of people, who can benefit from every kind of services: siupermarkets, pizzerias, restaurants, cefès, shops. If you lodge in Baia verde, it will take you a a few minutes to go to the beache (the maximum distance is 400 mt), and this proximity makes the area an excellent place for all those willing to be close to the sea and at the same time not so far from downtown Gallipoli, and they will be also able to reach all the other interesting places outside the city. Baia verde is weel connected both to Lecce with the state higway SS 274 (you have to go toward S.M. di leuca until you find Baia verde junction), and to the other places by the sea or hinterland villages. You are basically between Lecce and Sanata Maria di Leuca. In August the seashore becomes the most yearned place by young people coming from all over Italy and Europe. Happy hours on the beach, music, every kind of entartainment activities will characterize the hot summer nights. During the rest of the year Baia verde is rather an oasis, particularly attended by families and by local people. It's the best place to enjoy a wonderful sea breath-taking landscapes and sunsets!

Available solutions to stay in Baia Verde

80 - Ampio appartamento piano terra Baia verde


La casa vacanza è al piano terra di una villa bifamiliare e gode di un ampio spazio esterno con doppio posto auto e parete attrezzata. All'interno tre camere da letto e doppi servizi.

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